Monthly Archives: November 2013

What are you thankful for?


Thanksgiving is always an exciting time of year, in my opinion. The leaves change colors, pumpkin candles are in the stores, and, of course, it is an excuse to eat excessive amounts of delicious food! Each year my immediate and extended family get together for a full day of fried turkey, tons of desserts, board games, and the beginning of Christmas decorating.

When writing this post I realized I truly have so much to be thankful for, but I will try to keep it short. First, I am thankful for my family because they are the ones who have stood by me for 23 years and never let me give up. They are also the ones that have given me my don’t quit outlook on life and taught me that anything is possible through God. Second, I am thankful for my boyfriend Paul.  He keeps me grounded and makes me feel comfortable just being myself.  He is truly my biggest fan and encourages me to pursue my dreams, no matter what they may be. Third, I am thankful for the many friends that God has placed in my life. I am so lucky to have met so many amazing people in the past 23 years. Fourth, I am thankful for CrossFit Boro, the awesome coaches, and members. Because of all of these people I am a healthier and happier individual. Last, I am thankful that I am only seven credit hours away from graduating from Georgia Southern University. I am anxious to start a new chapter in my life. . . wherever that may be!

Shopping with your phone


The place I use my phone the most while shopping is definitely the grocery store.  I am a huge Pinterest recipe fan and usually open my Pinterest account when shopping for my weekly groceries.  I guess that would put me in the category of using social networks while shopping. Because I am able to pull up the recipes I pinned earlier it makes it easy for me to make sure I have everything I need before leaving the store.  I do not have any apps on my phone for shopping and I do not think I would get much use out of them even if I did.  As I said before, the grocery store (Bi-Lo in particular) is the only place I really feel the need to use my phone while shopping and to my knowledge they do not have an app.

I do not think that my client, Coca-Cola would benefit from having an in-store app. Coca-Cola products are sold in so many locations which would make it difficult to find a way to incorporate every business selling the products.  However, my client does have an app for their rewards program, My Coke Rewards.   The app makes it easier for frequent customers to plug in their codes to their account on the go.  I am not a user of the app but I am sure the users find it much more convenient to use their phone rather than a computer.

Moms on Social Media


It is interesting, but not surprising, to see how many moms with young children are using social media so frequently.  My first thought was, how are they keeping up with their young children if they spend so much time on these networking sites?  I then realized by doing so they are able to shop online and be confident in their purchases due to recommendations on social media.

I do not feel that moms are targeted on any form social media by Coca-Cola.  Because these moms are mainly shopping for items for their young children it might be difficult to Coca-Cola to make them a target audience.  Due to many people finger pointing at Coke as being a cause of childhood obesity it might be hard to convince these moms otherwise.  The only way I could see this working is for Coca-Cola to come out with a campaign to better promote their healthier drink options.  With this campaign you could target the moms with young children and the health conscience population.